Qwetu Micro Credit Services
Qwetu Micro Elimu Loan
Loan multiplier ar 5 times. Interest at 1.5% p.m (18%p.a). Maximum repayment period 12 months.
Boda Boda Loans
Loan multiplier 3 times for the new member Loan multiplier 5 timesfor existing members. Maximum repayment period of 12 months. Interest at 1.5% P.m i.e 18%p.a. Bodaboda/Asset becomes part of the security of that loan.
Loan multiplier 3 times for the new member Loan multiplier 5 timesfor existing members. Maximum repayment period of 12 months. Interest at 1.5% P.m i.e 18%p.a. Bodaboda/Asset becomes part of the security of that loan.
Biashara Loan Group
Loan mutiplier five times. Minimum repayment period 6 months. Loan appraised purely on business. Members of the group save more than 8 weeks. No Grace period. Maximum loan amount depends on the borrowing power of an
Kilimo Biashara
Loan multiplier five times. Minimum repayment period 6 months. Loan appraised purely on Agriculture. Members of the group save more than 8 weeks. Grace period of 2 months. Maximum loan amount depends on the borrowing
Group Formation
Must have at least 7 members Group must have a constitution. Group must be registered with the Ministry of Social Services and given a certificate. Group must open a group account with sacco. Individual members must acquire
Special Investment Fund
Registered and contributes SPIF shares: Processing: Loan deposited within 1 month. Interest: 1% on reducing. Multiplies: 5 times your SPIF shares. Repayment: Maximum 36 months.
Qwetu Smart Loan
Processing: Once every month. Interest rate: 1% on reducing. Repayment: 36 months. Multiplies: 5 times long term deposits.
School Fees
Processing: Immediately. Interest: 1% on reducing. Repayment: 12 months. Multiplies: 5 times long term deposits.
Emergency Loan
Processing: Immediately. Interest: 1% on reducing rate. Repayment: Maximum 12 months. Amount: KSHs 20,000. Shares multiplies: 5 x long-term deposits.